Saturday, July 25, 2009

Door County + Tom + Beer = passed out in the back of Alex Streu's car

Just got back from Door County. This trip was way more win then last weekend, due to no drunk bros and girls breaking glasses. Went to some random bar called Merkles or something in Little Sturgeon. Tom's friend was bar tending. I think this may be the first time ever that the girls had to pay for drinks and I didn't pay for a single one. Weird. Either way it was fun. I wish I had the money to just live up there all the time. I love Green Bay, but being up there is so relaxing. Move there for good next summer? Probably not, but it would be cool.


Friday, July 24, 2009


Last night, Thursday, July 23rd, my good friend Jamie Yanda did something extraordinary. While playing a solo set at the Ignite Youth Center, a Christian youth center I might add, Jamie decided to add some impromptu lyrics to one of his songs. He added a few lines that effectively said you shouldn't base your political views on what your church or parents think, you shouldn't use religion as a means to wage war, or discriminate against gays. As soon as he mentioned something about gays, his mic and guitar were immediately shut off. The crowd didn't appreciate that too much, and we all started clapping for Jamie, asking him to continue. Jamie stopped and asked why he was turned off, the sound technician said that he was done and thanked him for playing. Most performers at that point would have packed up and left, but not Jamie. He started explaining that he was not bashing Christianity, or any monotheistic religion for that matter, but that he was expressing how religion should never be used for anything else than spreading love. The sound guy let him finish his song, which was received with applause from the majority of the room. He said what needed to be said, plain and simple.

The problems he brought up are some of the main reasons I originally left Christianity. As some of you may know, I spent the first 6 years of my school education, and 3 years in high school, in private Christian schools. When I was young, I was raised as a Christian, but not as most Christian children I have met. My parents, both of who were hippies, raised me to never just accept what was told to me. As a young child, my parents would read me the Bible, but they let me ask questions, and they would answer them with real answers, not just "because God says so." As I grew, I was not only able to ask better questions of them, but I was able to start forming my own opinions, opinions that my parents did not neccessarily agree with, but let me voice. Eventually, by the time I got to high school, my faith in Christianity had almost completely vanished, much to the dismay of my parents, who supported my views no matter what, and after the first six months in school, was gone for good.

Once in high school, I quickly realized that I had been lucky in my upbringing. The "Christians" I was stuck with for 3 years were mindless drones. They never questioned what they were taught. What bugged me most was the hypocrisy that I saw in my classmates. Here were these kids, a lot of them the sons and daughters of pastors and ministers, and they treated each other like crap. It was very hurtful to be constantly called a fag, not because I actually was gay, but because I just did not agree with them. It was heartwrenching to see some of my classmates who were homosexuals have to hide it, for fear of persecution. No one should ever have to hide who they truly are. Luckily, I did not have to graduate from that school, and some good did come out of it. Taking religion classes every day, such as New Testament and Old Testament history, helped give me a better understanding of Christianity. While it didn't make me want to be a Christian anymore, it did help me understand that my classmates, who discriminate and believe whatever they are told, are not what Christians are supposed to be.

This is what I think Jamie was trying to say. Christianity is not bad, but if Christians want to help give their religion a better name, a few things need to happen first. One, they need to stop the bullying that goes on in their schools and youth groups. No one should be treated differently as a child because of their religious or politicals views, or because of their economic status. Two, stop using the Bible or "because God says so" to justify everything. Trust me, there are scientific ways that are respected to prove some aspects of the Bible, which is exactly why I am agnostic and not an athesiest. Third, and lastly, the persecution of the homosexual community needs to stop immediately. I don't care if your beliefs don't agree with their lifestyle, but they are people too, and they have rights. Until these things happen, Christians will always be looked down upon by the scientific and intellectual community.

Once again, I would like to thank you Jamie for your courage in addressing this issue.


Thursday, July 23, 2009


So yeah, I have finally done it. Seeing as how I know all of my peers have become increasingly annoyed with having to listen to my repetitive stories about random shit, and don't care what I think of the new harry potter movie, I have decided to start a blog so they no longer have to listen to me bitch. It shall include, but is not limited to, my thoughts on film, music, politics, and that cute video of guinea pigs eating watermelon. As I do have ADD, I may forget to update from time to time, but I hope to update at least once a day.
