Monday, August 3, 2009

What a Weekend

Wow, what an amazing weekend. Friday night was a little iffy, but Saturday was absolutely ridiculous. I was able to drive to Madison in just over 2 hours. How this is possible, I have no idea. Drank a few drinks, watched a few bands, and decided not to drink for the remainder of the night. Well, that only lasted for a few hours, and then it was time to give the wap another go. Bad idea. Witnessed quit a few strange things, such as Wolfgang trying to climb a tree with a broken/sprained foot, D-Knapp refusing to wake up, a homeless man named Dwayne, who said he coined the phrase "right tighty lefty loosey," Gordy stripping down to his boxers, and random people cuddling that I didn't expect to see cuddling. Waking up on a kitchen floor realizing that I was sleeping without a blanket was interesting, as well as finding my sandals 25 feet from where i remember leaving them. And oh yeah, getting home and forgetting that I had a giant cock drawn on one hand and a hairy ass hole on the other and then having to explain that to my mother was quit weird. Oh well.

Anyways, it was fun, at some moments stressful, but for the most part fun.

Too bad now that John is moving to Norway, there will not be anymore Madison adventures to this magnitude.

Hope to steal some videos of a few of the bands playing from Josh once he has posted them.


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