Monday, August 24, 2009

Why do I do It?

So it is official; I am once again addicted to the wonderful World of Warcraft. In all reality, I knew this would happen eventually, I just didn't know when. Well, I guess there is nothing I can really do about it. WoW is more addictive than crack cocaine, and once it has you in it's grasp, there is no escaping. It is sad how every day I sit at work and think, "wow, tonight would be a great day for a bike ride," but instead I go home and sit on my computer until 10:30-11 and then fall asleep. If you hadn't noticed, this blog has not even been updated in at least two weeks. That is probably directly connected to me playing WoW all the time and spending all my downtime at work reading about how I can get better at playing WoW.

But anyways, a few interesting things did come out of the few hours this weekend I was able to pry myself away from the computer. The boys from Arto threw a pretty impressive DIY show in Jamie's basement, which included Palmer and some band who's name I can not remember for the life of me. After that, Justin Baker threw a book burning party in his front yard, which attracted way more people than I thought it would. This ended with me drinking a lot of PBR and Johnny Blood Red Ale, and a wicked hangover in the morning. Julian also burnt a copy of Chickensoup for the Teenage Soul, which made me immensely happy. I remember when my parents had me read that book, and if I still had my copy I would have gladly thrown it in the fire.

But anyways, my break at work is done, so I should probably start doing something productive. I hope to start updating this more. Seeing as how I spend most of my time on the computer, this may just mean stories of my adventures in Northrend (chuckle), so be prepared for ub3r nerdiness LOLOLOL!!!!!1!!!!11!!!!!!


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